29 Apr

Artscape Salon

Apr 29, 2015

It’s back! Artscape Salon is a dinner party with a big difference.  serving up a five-course meal  where during dinner, guest stars are planted world of arts and culture at every table to ignite conversation. Musicians, artists, filmmakers, choreographers, producers, community builders and many others circle through the crowd until every table is lit up with ideas.

More than a dinner party, it’s an electrifying experience. Feel the spark; join us for Salon! It’s the best dinner party you’ll attend all year.

Location: Wychwood Barns
601 Christie ST
Toronto, ON

Date: April 29
Time: 6-10pm
Cost: $125
For ticket information please visit: http://www.torontoartscape.org/news/salon-returns-april-29-get-your-tickets-today

Beer on Tap: Lug Tread



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