Your Guide to Pairing Beer with Fare from the Fair

The air is crisp. Pumpkin-flavoured foods are appearing on menus everywhere. The kids are heading back to school on Tuesday.

Make the most of the last weekend of summer. Whether you’ll be at the cottage, visiting the brewery or checking out your local fair.

fair fareIf you plan on heading to the CNE this weekend, make sure to make a visit to Craft Taps. Grab a glass of Beau’s and look back on how great the summer has been.

If you get a hankering for a bite to eat, our Master Brewer, Matt, has paired some Craft Taps selections with some of the more outrageous eats CNE is offering this year.

Sweet potato pie
A savoury pie with maple marshmallows and topped with mashed sweet potatoes and bacon would go great with Kissmeyer: Nordic Pale Ale.

Roast Beef in an Edible Bowl
Grab a glass of Farm Table: Märzen and enjoy gravy-smothered roast beef in a jumbo Yorkshire pudding bowl and topped with horseradish cream.

Pulled Pork Cinnamon Bun
Grab this cinnamon bun topped with pulled pork and icing and make your way over to Craft Taps for Kissmeyer: Nordic Pale Ale. They’ll pair perfectly.

If you choose to stick to classic fair fare:

Enjoy a cold glass of Buenos Dias with a corn dog or too.

Looking for something sweet? Enjoy a funnel cake with all the toppings alongside a Farm Table: Märzen.

Enjoy the last weekend of summer!



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