Episode 2: David Ridgen, Someone Knows Something; Diane Hodgins, Shorefast and Fogo Island Inn; Lagered Ale: An Investigation

Episode 2: Lagered Tales, presented by Beau’s

Lagered Tales, a podcast by Beau's

In our second episode, we discuss CBC’s Someone Knows Something with the journalist behind the popular true-crime podcast, David Ridgen. We also talk to Diane Hodgins from the Shorefast to discuss social business, with a look at Newfoundland’s Fogo Island Inn. Instrumental musician Jonas Bonnetta tells us about working with the sounds of Fogo Island. Eddy Earwigg hits the streets and gets to the bottom of the term “lagered ale,” and talks to Prud’homme educator and beer expert Jeff O’Reilly.

Check out the video our hosts mention about the collaborative beer with Fogo Island Inn and the Shorefast, 49° 54°, right here.

To learn more about the story behind the term “lagered ale,” check out Beau’s Lug Tread: An Oral History, Part One – Choosing the Perfect Beer.

Lagered Tales is a bi-weekly check-in from your friends at the employee-owned Canadian craft brewery Beau’s. Through interviews, storytelling and exciting regular features, we’ll explore the intersecting worlds of craft beer, food, music, community and culture — and we’ll just generally talk to great people doing great things.

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes | Google Play | Spotify | or wherever you get your podcasts.

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @beausallnatural, on Facebook @BeausBrewery

Hosts: Josh Gottlieb and Emilie Quinn

Producers: Jen Beauchesne, Emma Chapman, Eddy Earwigg, Patrick Jodoin

Technical Producer: Marc Doucette  

[Running time: 00:47:16]



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