Episode 12: Lagered Tales, presented by Beau’s

The Season One Finale Extravaganza!

Zany beer ideas, your definition of a Good Time, spring-summer beer and food pairings, and more.

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It’s the final episode of season one of Lagered Tales, so we’ve made it a fun one.

In the show’s feature segment, Jen looks at some of the zany beers that have emerged from the world of craft beer: from Beau’s Elephant Monsoon — the peanut butter and jelly beer — to the innovation on display every year at Boston’s Extreme Beer Fest. We also hear some of your zaniest beer ideas, as told to Eddy Earwigg on-site at Beau’s St. Patrick’s Party; and finally Jen chats with Butch Heilshorn, the author of a book called Against All Hops, a brewing guide for experimental brewers.

In our second segment, Mike Hits The Streets at #BeausStPats to find out how YOU — the Lagered Tales listeners — define a Good Time.

Finally, Pat enlists some friends around Beau’s (folks who really know their beer and food) to offer some pairings you can try this spring and summer alongside The Beau’s Summer Mix.

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Bonus: The Lagered Tales Listenership Survey

It’s our turn to listen to you. Please fill out this survey to have your say about season one of Lagered Tales. Your feedback will directly affect how we put together season two of our podcast, and we’ll send you an exclusive gift in the snail mail as our thanks.

Hosts: Kimberlea Jones and Denis Routhier

Producers: Jen Beauchesne, Emma Chapman, Marc Doucette, Patrick Jodoin and Mike Simpkin

Technical producer: Marc Doucette

Guest interviewer: Eddy Earwigg

Guest events announcer: Emma Chapman


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