Beau’s Farm Table Series

New from Beau’s Brewery, Farm Table Series are sessionable beers inspired by tradition and brewed true to a classic style. Each Farm Table release will be featured for a two-month period, allowing six releases a year. The Farm Table Series launches August 6, 2015, with Farm Table: Helles.

Seasonal Program Evolves to Farm Table for 2015Farm Table: Helles

The Farm Table Series replaces Beau’s seasonal program, but our award-winning seasonal beers will return under the new Farm Table flag – beginning with the Farm Table Märzen (fall seasonal Night Märzen) this September. Bog Water will return as part of an exciting new Gruit Series launching in December.

Because they change up every two months, Farm Table will mean more brand-new beers from Beau’s more often. This makes us happy, because we get to do more of what we do best: continue to innovate and create new beers for you to enjoy.

The new name is also designed to help highlight [for our fans] the distinction between Beau’s sessionable, brewed-to-style offerings (Farm Table) and our experimental, boundary-pushing beer (Wild Oats). The series are complementary, and designed to let the craft beer drinker choose to drink to his or her taste, or to the occasion.


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