11 Aug

BrewHA Craft Beer Festival

Aug 11, 2017 - Aug 12, 2017
Thunder Bay

BrewHa Craft Beer Festival was created by friends getting together to put on a big party for their community. As we enter year three, with a planned 6000 in attendance, the party keeps getting bigger and better. We are committed to celebrating excellent beer with the people of Thunder Bay and beyond.

BrewHa! Craft Beer Festival is the first of its kind to hit the Thunder Bay, Ontario Waterfront. Bringing with it a convoy of food vendors, live-local music, educational talks and demos, plus the craft beer tastes, which are becoming a Northern staple.

It takes place at Festival Area of the award-winning Prince Arthur’s Landing; an area located in Thunder Bay’s Waterfront.

Strap yourself in…

For more info and to purchase tickets please visit: https://brewhafestival.com/#tickets

Date: August 11-12th


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