26 Mar

Festibière de Québec fête la St-Patrick

Mar 26, 2015 - Mar 28, 2015
Québec City

The first edition of the Festibière fête la St-Patrick celebrates the festive traditions of our Irish roots. To combat the cold, the Festibière de Québec has reserved the Pavillon du Commerce on the ExpoCité site, a larger interior venue to host this Irish event in collaboration with the Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de Québec.

Beer on tap: Lug Tread, Bog Water, Strong Patrick, Le Coeur Noir, The Tom Green Beer

Dates: March 26 – 28
For ticket information please visit: http://www.festibieredequebec.com/en/st-patrick/billetterie/
General Event info:  www.festibieredequebec.com/en/st-patrick/



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